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Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Tunnel Town

Guess what? Animal Jam has brought you the latest app. Its called TUNNEL TOWN! Hey you should REALLY play it! Check these pics out!

 Cool right. You can download it on your iPad, iPhone, iPod etc. I'm not sure if u can download it on a normal phone. But anyway its cool!                                              
                                                      I am probably up to level 7 right now. Its a great game and has become my favourite game. Probably has beaten Happy Street. I dunno. Can't think about it. I have got the founder bunny. WARNING: FOUNDER BUNNY ONLY AVAILABLE ON THE 18th OF JULY TO THE 20th OF JULY. SO THAT WILL MEAN PEOPLE WHO WANTS A GOLDEN FOUNDER
                                                      BUNNY WILL UNFORTUNATELY NOT GET IT ANYMORE!
                                                      Well at least you could still get other bunnies such as the dust
                                                      bunnies, Sea-foam bunny, leopard bunny, cactus bunny and others                  
                                                      too. Its awesome how people can have different kinds of tunnels with
                                                      one game! ANOTHER WARNING: I WOULDN'T          RECOMMEND A DUST BUNNY TO ANYONE. IT WASTES YOUR CARROTS OR ANY OTHER FOOD YOU GAVE THEM TO EAT!

     So that's it for today. Thank you for reading! Hope you enjoy Tunnel Town. From a little tunnel to a  whole new empire!! Good Luck and Thanks 4 Reading!   =D        (=

My Holiday at World 4 Kids

This holiday, I went to a holiday program at my school called World 4 Kids. Its cool there and I really liked it.

THE TOP 3 WERE...............

1st.) Bowling and Laser Tag
- Bowling
  It was my first time bowling. And it was really cool. My group thought the pink balls were good luck because we saw the other team using it and the got probably 7-10 out of ten. So my team and I used the pink balls. I also realised on the luckiest pink ball it had number eight and eight is my lucky number. At the end, I managed to get the highest score out of my team. I think I got 88. I give bowling a NINE OUT OF TEN!

- Laser Tag
  It was ALSO my first time for laser tag. It was awesome but I wish that it would be longer. The background music felt a little freaky at first but while we were shooting, it sounded that it really did match the game. It was a dark place, BUT NOT THAT DARK! There were graffiti as if its in the streets. I got some people and some people got me. I would give laser tag an EIGHT OUT OF TEN. I just wished it was longer!

MY SECOND FAVOURITE IS...................

2nd.) Going To The Movies
- Movies
  We watched M.U and it stands for MONSTERS UNIVERSITY. A "little bird" told me M.U was for BABIES, but its not. The movie is cool. Cooler than MONSTER INC. Its pretty much a long story. I can't explain. When M.U haven't started yet we saw an ad kinda movie and it was called THE BLUE UMBRELLA. Its a little funny, sad and cool at the beginning. My mum was going to by me popcorn but my brother and I were sick and had a soar throat. I GIVE IT A NINE OUT OF TEN! It's great you should go and watch it you know.

MY THIRD FAVOURITE IS...................

3rd.) Disney On Ice
- Disney On Ice
  Again this is ALSO ALSO my first time going to Disney On Ice. At first before we went I thought EVERYTHING is pink with princesses and love hearts with flowers.. BUT NO! Its NOT LIKE THAT! Its waaaaaaaaay less girly then you THINK it is. HONEST :O ! It's cool and the technology is soooooooooooooooooooooo twenty-first century! My fav part is when the dragon in SLEEPING BEAUTY came out. The fire came out of its mouth and went to the ice. And the ice didn't even melt and the fire was suddenly gone. AWESOME RIGHT?! We sat by the side not towards so I didn't really see this clearly but someone told me ARIEL THE LITTLE MERMAID kissed with that prince! Woaw Woaw Woaw is this getting inappropriate?! Sure is. I AM GOING TO GIVE DISNEY ON ICE AN EIGHT OUT OF TEN. I also loved the indoor fireworks at the end of it. Everything was so bright that moment.

Alright. Now you have read this. You might have changed your mind if you didn't like one of these activities. I've got to say THANK YOU 4 READING THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!