Welcome Serafim's World

Hi! Welcome to my blog! Enjoy!

Monday, 28 April 2014

My Invention

So I have done quite a few posts about LOOM BANDS and today (the 29th of April), I invented a really AWESOME BRACELET!!!
I didn't copy anyone.. but I got some of the ideas from the Easter Chick Charm... Well one of the parts. But anyway, the bracelet I invented is called the TRAPPED SPIRAL.. I was about to call it HOPSCOTCH but I found out there was another kind of bracelet called Hopscotch, so I called it the TRAPPED SPIRAL. 
If you have already invented this bracelet or you have seen a bracelet that looks exactly (or similar) like the TRAPPED SPIRAL, please tell me by commenting because I don't want to commit (do) any plagiarism.. I didn't look at any instructions or tutorials for this bracelet... but I just thought of it. 
This bracelet will be on my May 2014 giveaway.. girls will have this one and boys will have a green and blue one. But it will be your choice. If you want to enter my giveaway but have no idea how to enter, just go on Google+ and search +Serafim Autumn and I will post a video on the giveaway. Thank you for reading and BYE! Enjoy the rest of the stuff on Serafim's World!

Monday, 14 April 2014


I am making-(ish) my own LOOM BAND MISSIONS so I can give my family and friends LOOM BRACELETS..

So far, the missions I have completed are..

- A PIANO LOOM BRACELET for my Piano Teacher, Ria (Who I call Kak Ria)

So there are going to be more missions for my friends...
And also I am going to do my EASTER SPECIAL!!!

The Easter Special is also a mission. It WONT be a loom bracelet by it will be a charm of something to do with EASTER!!!!

The one on the left is the TOPSY TURVY loom bracelet!!

This one is the PIANO LOOM BRACELET!!

Last but not least, the one on the left is the MINION LOOM BRACELET!!

If you are a friend or family of mine and I forgot about you, please remind me and I'll set myself a mission for another LOOM BRACELET!!
I will announce my mission on GOOGLE+ and I will also announce if I have made it or not.. (But I will make it anyway).

Thanks and you may explore my blog, BYE!!!

Thursday, 10 April 2014


Hi everyone, SORRY I haven't posted much lately, but if this happens again, you can read my other posts or visit my virtual zoo.. 

Thanks, Serafim :)

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

My Awesome Drawing...

So on Friday the 28th of March, the 5/6 girls went to Gilmore Collage and for the first session in Gilmore, my group did Art. It was AWESOME!! We had to draw some manga stuff. There were a few options for us to draw and I drew a side-view of a girl. I really liked it because I think it's very detailed. Some other people drew it too and it was awesome too. I think I did an awesome job (BECAUSE I DID.... L.O.L!)! So first we got the instruction page and then we followed the steps on how we should draw it. Then we added some details and out-lined it with a black marker. Next we rubbed out the unnecessary sketches and painted the picture.. and it's done! Here is my AWESOME manga drawing.........!