Welcome Serafim's World

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Friday, 27 March 2015

First Happy Meal in Indonesia

I know its not a big deal but a few days ago, I had my very first Happy Meal in Indonesia! I decided to write about this because I thought it would be interesting to compare some things.
In here, when you order chicken nuggets, you get 4 instead of 6 nuggets but thats fine, just like in America! Also in here, instead of getting Coca Cola for the drink, you can choose between Fruit Tea or Milo. I chose Milo... because at first I didn't know what the Fruit Tea tasted like... I love Milo anyway! The toys are (I'm pretty sure) different too. I got an "Oh" toy, the alien guy from the movie and also, in here, you get to choose the toy while in Australia, you get what you get and you don't get upset.... actually you can swap if you want... if you want. Anyway, the packaging is a little different I think.
One thing they don't have in ANY McDonalds in Australia are chicken drumsticks. You can also get it in the Happy Meal with rice!!

I don't know which one is better because they're both awesome and who doesn't love a Happy Meal? Anyway thank you for reading and enjoy the rest of my blog, BYE!

Sunday, 22 March 2015

Final Cut King

So recently, I've been pretty obsessed with a Youtube/Viner called Zach King. He's SUPER awesome and he makes the coolest videos ever! If you haven't seen his videos OR if you don't know him, you should check him out! Click here to go to his Vine Profile... thing... he also has a Youtube Channel called FinalCutKing so click here to go on his Youtube channel.

Right now, Zach King is my role model because he uses Final Cut to edit his videos and he does it REALLY well and also because he's a Christian too... and he plays the piano. If you wanna know more you should watch his Draw My Life video... and the "graphics" thing is awesome too! So here is one of the videos:

His vines are pretty funny and you'll be surprised as you watch each of them.... Here's a video of some of his best vines

I know this may be shorter than usual but anyway thanks for reading and enjoy the rest of my blog, BYE!

Thursday, 19 March 2015

My Braces

This Friday I went to Makassar to get braces! I didn’t go with my parents but I went with my older cousin. From Surabaya to Makassar, we flew with Garuda Indonesia at night. It was a pretty good flight and I also got a Javanese Rhino plush. Its really soft and its so cute! Anyway, on Friday night, my uncle’s friend picked us up from the airport and went to my uncle’s clinic. Then I met my uncle and his assistants and then we went to my uncle’s house. His house is only one level but it’s actually pretty big. Oh and I’ll tell you what’s weird… he’s got a big bedroom all to himself and he sets his air conditioner to 17 degrees Celsius… weird, I know. When I sleep with my family, it’s a pretty small room and the air conditioner is only 23 degrees… and there’s 4 people, my brother, my dad, my mum and me! Compare that! Okay lets stick to the topic…

On the second day of being in Makassar, I went to my uncle’s clinic and I met my uncle’s other assistants. Then my uncle’s assistants checked my cousin’s teeth and braces first. When he was done, it was my turn. I was pretty scared because I thought that they were gonna pull out my teeth… and they were suppose to pull out 4 of my teeth. But then they didn’t and that’s because I might’ve been too young or something so they put the braces right away! While they were putting it on, it didn’t really hurt actually. But the thing that did hurt was the suction thingy magic. It pretty much sucks your saliva since you have to open your mouth for a while.. it kinda stung. Something that also hurt was this thing that gave purple light… it felt like a light bulb in my mouth, it was really hot and it stung!! My uncle’s assistant said “Is it hot?” in Indonesian and I said “Yea”… actually it wasn’t just hot, it felt like it was burning!! But I didn’t want to make them worried or anything so I kept silent. Once it was done… well it only hurt a bit so I thought it was fine, but NOW, IT HURTS SO BADLY!! The good thing is that they gave this kind of medicine to prevent the pain temporarily. It’s a little bit bitter but its fine.

Since I’ve got braces, I can’t eat properly for a few days… I can only eat soft things like porridge or soup or (really soft) noodles… That’s all I’ve eaten so far… and also fried rice but it took me a long while to eat. I have also tried eating chocolate pudding. It feels good to be able to bite something soft, why? Because all the things I have listed other than pudding, I have to swallow without chewing. It’s pretty uncomfortable but I can manage it.

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Did you know?

Right now, I like to go on the internet and read funny and interesting facts... its actually pretty fun and may be better than watching YouTube... I mean, it is more educational than most things on YouTube. The only people/things I watch on Youtube are Pewdiepie, Smosh, Markiplier, Superwoman, grav3yardgirl et cetera and those aren't even educational!

Recently, Ive been saying a lot of Did you know?s and my mum is getting annoyed... She thinks the facts aren't true but IT IS! One of the facts was The first president of Zimbabwe was President Banana. I was literally rolling on the floor laughing! My mum, aunty and uncle said why was I ROFLing.. I showed the the post and my mum said.. NO thats not true and my aunty said Thats racist! To prove that its real, I searched up President Banana on Google and it came up! His first name was Canaan and his last name was BananaCanaan Banana. And then my aunty laughed with me... And there you have it folks! If you don't believe me, search up President Banana on Google! XD

Down below are some facts... these are some very good ones and its pretty interesting:

Last but not least...

Thank you for reading and enjoy the rest of my blog,

Sunday, 8 March 2015


When I was younger, I HATED food, probably because I was a very slow eater. My longest time for eating a meal took probably about one hour and half… it’s so long, I know.

Now that I’m experiencing puberty, which I ¾ HATE, I like food now! Especially Indonesian food. It’s absolutely AMAZEBALLS! I’ve tried so many things and pretty much all of it is delicious! From noodles to A&W (fast food resto)…. All of it is delicious!
If you don’t like Indonesian food, you’ve got a mental issue!!!

Western food is alright… I liked the pasta that I had as airplane food and also the chocolate cake and can you imagine, they had FRESH bread as airplane food…. Does that usually happen?

In conclusion… food is AMAZING, I cant believe I didn’t like food when I was little… ;-; well, the past is in the past!

Thank you for reading and enjoy the rest of my blog,

Tuesday, 3 March 2015


You might know I live in Australia, right? Wrong. Now, I live in Indonesia ;-;
I like most people here, which is my family, but I hate the atmosphere. Right now, I've got mosquito bites EVERYWHERE on my legs... LITERALLY!
Right now, I'm staying at my grandpa's house. It's a pretty big house so even though my cousin's family lives there, theres plenty of space for my family to live in too.
I'm pretty sure my old house is going to be renovated because it's an absolute disgrace and its not in a good condition.. actually, its in a REALLY REALLY bad condition. I think the renovation will take about a year so I'm obviously staying at my grandpa's house for about a year.
Now, things are different to how it used to be.... I think. Now it seems more modern. Well, I suppose its a bit more modern, but there are still houses that's damaged really badly.
In here, everywhere you look, there are food stalls. Food stalls EVERYWHERE. Some, or most of them, are fake and unhealthy. At least thats what I heard. Since my aunty is a GP/doctor, were gonna have an immunisation thingy and in one whole month, we can't buy any food from "outside" which is pretty much non-homemade food... including Maccas, KFC et cetera!!! So sad.... ;-;
Oh and talking about sadness, I MISS ALL MY FRIENDS!! Church friends, school friends, FRIENDS! One of my friends, Nashita, gave me a card on my last day of school. It said AS LONG AS WE HAVE WIFI, WE ARE CONNECTED. And yes, thats so true! But one thing that upsets me is that the wifi in Indonesia isn't as good as Australian wifi..

5 words:

Thank you for reading and enjoy the rest of my blog,