Welcome Serafim's World

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Monday, 4 April 2016


On April the 2nd, I joined a competition in SNA and it was the I joined the Instrumental Duet Competition. I played the piano while accompanying my friend Vivian playing the violin. The song we performed for the competition was called Flower of the Quern. Fortunately, it didn't take too much time for me to learn the song, I was able to play it within maybe 12 days (I dunno...).
First we went to SNA. The Instrumental Duet Competition started at 8 o'clock so we had to be there at 7 o'clock in the morning. We were number 5. 
When it was finally our turn to perform, we played the song without any obvious mistakes!! We felt pretty relieved and happy! But there was another competitor from SNA and they seemed a lot older than us. They played the piece beautifully... maybe SNA chose them so they can obviously win. 
The awarding was at 3pm and Vivian didn't wait, but I did. we stayed the whole afternoon because my brother performed in the Choir as well. I also wanted to see the Junior High School Choir Competition there because I knew some of my friends at church were joining the competition to from another school. It was so awesome. Something that made me surprised was that the public school choirs are so amazing compared to the others. For the Primary School Choir Competition, the public school won... and they deserved it! They literally mixed the song Paradise by Coldplay with a traditional Indonesian song and it was like a mashup/remix. It was awesome!!
The awarding ceremony began and they announced the 3rd prize winner of the Instrumental duet category A (my category) and the winner was from our school, Nation Star Academy and it was Joy and Tiffany! They played Minuet in D and the instruments were piano and flute. While Joy went on stage, my mum whispered to me "It looks like you're not going to win" and I replied "That's fine, I don't really mind, I never even signed up for this anyway"... and thats true... I never agreed to join this competition the school just assigned me! And then... "The second winner is from Nation Star Academy, Number 5" I was so so so happy when they said Nation Star Academy but even happier when they said Number 5!!! And that was me and Vivian!!! I went on to the stage and received the trophy and this styrofoam thing that said that we won 1 million rupiah!! I felt great! 
Before we went home, I took pictures and also met with a friend at church and I never expected to win this actually... when you work hard and try your best, it's all in God's hands! 


Yesterday my school friends came over to my house! The first to arrive was my friend Agnes and she arrived at about 10 o'clock. When she arrived, the both of us started playing Just Dance 2014. After we did a few songs and danced, we played Mario Kart. For someone who just played Mario Kart on the Wii, Agnes was pretty good, probably because a few of the Mario Kart racetracks/maps were on her Nintendo DS. After that we played Wii Play. We played Tanks which we have to shoot the enemy tank and whoever shoots more enemy tanks will win! We also played the Target game where we had to shoot colourful balloons, soda cans, targets, frisbees being thrown and alien spaceships. Agnes' favourite game was the cow racing game, she was really good at it and I was really bad, even my brother always beats me on that game! When we finished that, Kayla's car arrived and out came Kayla and Tiffany. We played Just Dance 2014 again and we also took really weird selfies with Tiffany's Snapchat. My favourite one was the face swap because its hilarious! We played Mario Kart together in a team and after that we made fairy floss. That time, my dad was picking up my brother from school and we did it ourselves. The fairy floss machine worked but our technique wasn't correct so it kinda failed. The fairy floss that we made didn't turn out as big as we expected. After that we waited for my dad and brother to come home so we made slime. Unfortunately, the slime failed because one of the ingredients is the eye drop. The eye drop acted as the borax of the slime. But the eye drop we used didn't contain borax so it couldn't stick very well. 2nd fail of the day... hahahah! The four of us also ate and drank a lot... We obviously didn't get drunk, because we're still kids, but we drank Coca Cola!! We also ate seaweed-flavoured chips and these chocolate balls that look like M 'n' M's but they weren't... but it was in an M 'n' M dispenser though. For lunch we ate spaghetti which my parents cooked. It was delicious. Though, Tiffany was a vegetarian so she couldn't eat what we ate. Fortunately, she brought her own vegetarian spaghetti will sauce and mushroom she brought for herself, so we can all eat spaghetti! After that when my dad and brother arrived, my dad helped us with making fairy floss and he can make it really big and fluffy! It was delicious! At my house, we also played the trampolines and they even told me to do a tour of the house... I have no idea why though. At about 8 o'clock pm we were going to have dinner but just when we were sitting down to eat, Kayla's mum arrived to pick them all up. We said goodbye and they went. It was such an awesome day yesterday, hopefully my friends (DA GURLZ) can come over again!!