Welcome Serafim's World

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Wednesday, 22 August 2012


On Monday( 20th of August) I went to the Melbourne Aquarium. It was so much fun and I learnt new things about the sea creatures.
I learnt new things like...

- Penguins have feathers not fur
- Puffer-fish puff only when they are scared
- Some rays are not stingrays. Rays' (Not stingrays) sting is not 
dangerous. Bees' sting hurts even more than a ray's sting
-Sharks do not eat humans. They just think you are its meal so
they might bite you.
- Frogs breath with their skin.

There are more things I have learnt but I won't write it down.

My favourite sea creature is a dolphin but
sadly there were no dolphins in the Aquarium.

My favourite part of the excursion was when I saw jellyfishes
because there were purple lights there and everything we wore
that were white glows in the dark. It looked AWESOME!!!

Come to the Melbourne Aquarium..
 You will see lots of odd sea creatures.

Thank you for reading...

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