Welcome Serafim's World

Hi! Welcome to my blog! Enjoy!

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

My Teeth!

Right now, I’m in Makassar for the second time since I went to Melbourne because I have to have 4 of my teeth pulled out. I have to stay here in Makassar for about 4 or 5 days and today is the second day and two of my teeth have been pulled out. Yesterday it didn’t hurt AT ALL but today it hurt just a little bit… maybe because yesterday was the tooth at the bottom and today was the tooth at the top. I’m not sure.
Yesterday my uncle told me to pull my teeth out by myself. THIS IS LEGIT PEOPLE!! My dad has a video on his phone and he also sent it to the rest of my family on Whatsapp.  Unfortunately I cant post it because… I just can’t be bothered to be honest.
I need to wait two more days or even three. I’m SO glad my mum and dad let me bring my laptop because if not, IM DEAD. I also forgot my phone, which would make my time here even worst. But also, even though I’m in here, I have to study with my dad, which stinks because… I guess my brother doesn’t need to study... and I have to, OUT OF TOWN! Anyway it’s not as long as the usual ‘durations’ but I still study the same things, mostly.
Anyway… I just went out of topic.
So about my teeth, it was in pretty horrible shape and it was VERY unorganized so my uncle said for me to use braces. But when I first went to Makassar, we didn’t have much time to stay there… only 2 days. That’s why my teeth didn’t get pulled out before I had braces. So then I had to use braces first. Now that I’m here for almost a week, I can get 4 of my teeth pulled out. One tooth each day basically. 4 days in a row. It may sound pretty scary, and the fact scares me too, but it’s for my own good, I think. XD

So anyway, thank you everyone for reading this and enjoy the rest of my blog, BYE!

Monday, 13 April 2015

Indonesia... Part 2

You may know that now I live in Indonesia and I'm really sad to leave Australia :(
I miss my friends so much and I miss pretty much everyone I know and I hope someday I can meet them again :)
A way I can chat to my friends and communicate is Gmail, Google+ and Instagram. I've also chatted with a few of my friends via FaceTime and Video Call. Its fun and also an awesome way to keep in touch with them!

This is EXTREMELY random but the soft drinks in here are kinda different. Firstly the Coca Cola doesn't even taste like the Coke in Australia... but anyway its alright. And in Australia the Fantas are orange and in here, the Fantas are strawberry flavoured and its red. Its SOOOOOO delicious, trust me. If you ever come by to Indonesia, you have to try it! I also like it because it makes your lips and tongue red. It makes it look like I'm using lipstick except its even better because firstly, its strawberry flavoured and most important of all... it not actual lipstick! Just so you know, I hate lipstick.

Oh and here's something random and disgusting, there are SO MANY stray cats here. Everywhere you look there is a stray cat and its super annoying and disgusting! One gross thing my cousin did was carrying a stray kitten and chasing me while bringing the kitten. ITS SO GROSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!

Okay I think thats it for now. Thank you for reading and enjoy the rest of my blog, 

Monday, 6 April 2015


Hey everyone, happy Easter! To be honest, I haven't been as excited as the previous years but this year it seems I understand more about Easter and its not only about the Easter Bunny and the chocolate but its about Jesus dying on the cross (Good Friday) and Jesus rising from the dead which is Easter Sunday. In the past, I've seen a few movies/videos about Jesus et cetera... It was pretty cool and it seemed legit. Why? Well the blood seemed real and the nails and also when Thomas thought Jesus was a ghost and whats cool about that is that you could actually see through the wholes from the nails... if it was legit, that would be creepy and probably impossible. But it was possible for God.

So I had Sunday School and it was a Year Prep-to-Six celebration. It was pretty cool. We sang songs, watched videos about Easter and some of the teachers did a play. After that we received food and also a pencil-case which is pretty awesome :D

Some heroes wear capes
Mine wore a cross and a crown made of thorns

Happy Easter

Wednesday, 1 April 2015


A few days ago, I found out that my uncle has Photoshop!! I've been DREAMING to get Photoshop and to learn to edit photos. When I found out I was so excited and I kinda screamed/squealed...
Yesterday, my uncle taught me a few basic things about Photoshop and at first it was confusing but now I understand.
I really want to be as "pro" as Pewdiepie XD because he makes the funniest and weirdest things on Photoshop! He's really awesome and probably my role model for Photoshopping XD

Down here is my very first MASTERPIECE using Photoshop! As you can see, we have Obama, with his colourful Mexican hat, Grumpy Cat and a random cat with the "Deal With It" sun-glasses and down below it says DEAL WITH IT. Oh and don't forget the fire explosion as the background!Its totally random but I was also experimenting anyway.

In the future, I want to study Computer-Art which also involves Photoshopping and I think Final Cut... I've also been DREAMING to get Final Cut!! But I can't afford it right now...
And in the future, I also want to make funny posts using Photoshop and I'm probably going to upload it here. 

Thank you for reading and enjoy the rest of my blog,