Welcome Serafim's World

Hi! Welcome to my blog! Enjoy!

Wednesday, 1 April 2015


A few days ago, I found out that my uncle has Photoshop!! I've been DREAMING to get Photoshop and to learn to edit photos. When I found out I was so excited and I kinda screamed/squealed...
Yesterday, my uncle taught me a few basic things about Photoshop and at first it was confusing but now I understand.
I really want to be as "pro" as Pewdiepie XD because he makes the funniest and weirdest things on Photoshop! He's really awesome and probably my role model for Photoshopping XD

Down here is my very first MASTERPIECE using Photoshop! As you can see, we have Obama, with his colourful Mexican hat, Grumpy Cat and a random cat with the "Deal With It" sun-glasses and down below it says DEAL WITH IT. Oh and don't forget the fire explosion as the background!Its totally random but I was also experimenting anyway.

In the future, I want to study Computer-Art which also involves Photoshopping and I think Final Cut... I've also been DREAMING to get Final Cut!! But I can't afford it right now...
And in the future, I also want to make funny posts using Photoshop and I'm probably going to upload it here. 

Thank you for reading and enjoy the rest of my blog, 


  1. Keep learning & keep practising. I believe your dream will come true. God bless you.

  2. Dear Serafim, we'd love to see you finding your passion in computer art. Bring this to you prayer each time to ask God to guide you the best way to glorify His name through whatever talent and opportunity you have.

  3. Good job for the first piece! Keep learning, Mbak!
