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Monday 7 July 2014

Term 2 School Holidays!!!

So right now, its the SECOND WEEK of the SCHOOL HOLIDAYS and I am going to tell you what I have done so far..
So far I've been playing Animal Jam on my laptop (ArtemisTheGreat) and yesterday I decided to do a little video on AJ and its all about me (It's not boring trust me) and I will post the video once I have finished it.
And I also had friends coming over to our house (They're friends from church) and we played the Wii (we especially played Mario Kart Wii).
I have also watched videos from StampyLongHead. If you don't know who he is then he is a YouTuber and he does Let's Play videos and all that. If you would LIKE to watch his videos than here is the link to his channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/stampylonghead and also I DO have some posts on Stampy so if you would like to read my posts than here are the links: http://serafimsworld.blogspot.com.au/2014/01/stampylonghead-part-1.html
(They're in order from Part1 to Part3)
I ALSO went shopping on the holidays and we didn't buy that many things but my parents bought my brother and I ice-cream from New Zealand Natural and my family also bought this WART-OFF medicine thingy (well you don't SWALLOW it you put it on the skin) coz my brother has this annoying wart thing so yeah. My dad also bought me a sketch book from Daiso for $2.80 because I was desperate to draw in a book. I'm not sure if we bought anything else but I think thats pretty much it.
I also received my DISNEY INFINITY for the Wii (I just got it yesterday) and its a really fun game, you should buy it for those who have consoles (although the price might be a bit EUGH). Its really cool. The Starter Pack includes Sulley, Jack and Mr. Incredible and the portal thingy and a power disc and also a card with a Web Code which I don't really care about and it has the round thingy to go on Play Sets. My favourite character out of the three is SULLEY because.. SULLEY'S JUST AWESOME. And also, STAMPYLONGHEAD plays Disney Infinity so if I need some help or inspiritation, I just watch Stampy's Disney Infinity videos (If you are like me you can do it too).
I also watched Jurassic Park 3 on the TV which thats not really important but its a cool movie (sad I didn't see the ending since I went on a bathroom break..heheh..)
I also watched Rio, Hop and The Lorax on the TV since I have the CDs and it's like my millionth time watching those videos.
I also made a few loom bracelets and drew some pictures (I drew Stampy and THE MAGIC ANIMAL CLUB) and I read Percy Jackson and the Last Olympian and I also went to this Fish and Chips restaurant 2 days ago. I ordered the Kid's Pack and I chose 2 chicken nights instead of the 2 Fish Bites.... MAN EVERYTHING WAS DELICIOUS! In the pack there was 2 chicken nuggets, half serve of the fries/chips, 1 lamb and chicken DIM SIM (Best dim sim I have EVER eaten) and a potato cake (SO CRISPY!!!) I just LOVED IT!
In a few hours I am going to watch HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON 2 in the cinemas and I CANT WAIT. I have seen the trailer and it was so EPIC! Even my mum wants to watch it and she's not a big MOVIE-FAN. I CANT WAIT!

I know this post is pretty long but thanks for reading.
As I have promised somewhere above, I will be posting my AJ video that I'm making. I will post it on a new post so its separate from this and other posts.

So thanks again and enjoy the rest of my blog,

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