Welcome Serafim's World

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Friday 18 December 2015


Yesterday, I  just got my semester report at school! So yesterday I went to school with my family to get my report. Actually, its not compulsory for the students to come even though the parents have to, but I wanted to because I was really curious about my scores so thats why I wanted to join.
My scores are pretty great, none of them were "red" scores (which means below average). Shockingly  my Maths were 81.... For the daily tests I got 43, 54 and really bad scores but the final score was 81!!!!! All my other scores were great too! I also got my scores for the IQ test I did earlier in the semester and my IQ is 118!! 118 means thats its above average which is pretty cool, I actually only need two more to be in the SUPERIOR level. My friend/classmate Michelle got 127 and she is, I'm pretty sure, the 3rd smartest in my class she is a total genius!! The IQ test is pretty fun actually because of many reasons that I can't explain. Its like a test that you don't have to study for because you don't really know what questions will come up. So yeah...
My highest one was English and I got 97... okay not the best of course but at least its not around 80!
Overall, I think I did pretty well this semester and I hope the next semester will be better and also more fun! Hopefully my grades/scores are higher (AMEN) and I can learn and study more!

Thank you for reading and enjoy the rest of my blog, BYE!

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