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Saturday 10 January 2015

The Hobbit

The Hobbit. You might have heard of it, you might have not. If you haven't heard about it, it is a book written about J. R. R. Tolkien. Even thought the books are pretty old, they're still really popular...
The Hobbit (the book) is published on the 21st of September 1937. Although you may know that there are 3 movie for The Hobbit, it is actually only one book. What's really funny about it is I saw a funny meme about The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. The Lord of The Rings has 3 books, and Peter Jackson made 3 books out of the series. But The Hobbit is only one book and Peter Jackson made 3 movies. At the bottom of the meme, there was a picture of Peter Jackson and it said "MONEY". I was laughing so hard (in my mind)! Click here if you want to see the meme! Right now, I am starting to read the book and I'm up to page 53 or something. My mum and I are having a "competition" and she's only up to page 15.... XD! She will LOSE! I just know she will :D. Anyway, the main character is a hobbit from the Shire, Bilbo Baggins "the burglar". He went on an EPIC quest with dwarves and as a hobbit, he's the burglar. Even though I haven't finished the book (I'm not even halfway, LOL) I recommend you to read it. 
The movies... even though I only read a little bit, I already found a few different things. So there are three movies. An Unexpected Journey, The Desolation of Smaug and The Battle of the Five Armies. It was SO EPIC! I watched TBotFA and I cried like 3 times because *SPOILER ALERT* Fili, Kili and Thorin died :( I was so sad. But it was a pretty good movie anyway...

Thank you guys for reading. Enjoy the rest of my blog, BYE!

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you, Serafim that Tolkien's books are worth to read. It blows your imagination and inspire you to write up your own exciting stories. Keep up the good habit of writing, my dear. You never know what will happen to your pieces one day.
