Welcome Serafim's World

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Sunday 5 October 2014

Day 1 of Canberra

Day 1:
On the first day, Wednesday the 1st of October, we woke up at 1:30am because we were going to drive to Canberra. The trip was going to take approximately 7 hours from Melbourne to Canberra so we had to wake up earlier than usual. The previous day, we have rented another car because the rented car uses less petrol compared to our own car. 
On the way to Canberra we stopped twice. The first one was at McDonalds because my dad needed to go to the bathroom. The second one was Hungry Jacks so we can have breakfast. After Hungry Jacks, we kept going. It only took 1 hour and 45 minutes approximately from Hungry Jacks to Canberra.

Finally, we arrived in Canberra. First, we went to the Cockington Green Gardens where there are miniature buildings and people and there are flowers and stuff. Its really cool! There are also some famous cultural buildings/landmarks from different countries. It was really cool!

Next, we went to the National Dinosaur Museum. When we entered, we got this activity sheet with questions about the dinosaurs and if we answer it, we will get a REAL FOSSIL TO TAKE HOME! We actually got everything right (our parents helped us too) when we were done and we got a shark tooth. We also bought a magnet souvenir there. In the exhibit, there were also robot dinosaurs. We learnt so much.

After that, we went to this Coin Mint thingy thing where we saw coins being made and we also made our own one dollar coin (for three dollars!!) and they said it will cost a lot of money in the future apparently.. The machines in there was SO SO cool! We also watched this video about the process of making coins.

Lastly, we went to the holiday park and we went to our cabin. Our cabin number was 16 (In Camp Half-Blood, it is the Nemesis Cabin) and it was a pretty nice cabin. There were 2 bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom bla bla bla and the good thing was there was a TV! Even though it was small TV, at least we got to watch most of the usual shows in Melbourne.

Thank you guys for reading this! Day 2 of Canberra coming soon!
Enjoy the rest of my blog..

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