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Friday 21 March 2014

Greek gods and goddesses

I know I'm a fan of Percy Jackson stuff and I haven't done anything PERCY JACKSON-ish lately but  now I'm going to in this post. This post is about GREEK MYTHOLOGY, and it does have to do with Percy Jackson stuff.

Greek gods:

Zeus: the god of the sky, king of the gods and Mount Olympus
Poseidon: the god of the sea and water (father of Percy Jackson)
Hades: the god of the underworld
Demeter: the goddess of the harvest and agriculture
Hera: the goddess of marriage and home, queen of Mount Olympus
Ares: the god of war
Hertia: the goddess of hearth and family
Athena: the god of wisdom and intelligence
Apollo: the god of the sun, music and prophecies
Artemis: the goddess of the moon, the hunt and the wilderness
Hephaestus: the god of craftsmen, volcanoes and blacksmiths
Aphrodite: the goddess of love and beauty
Hermes: the god of messengers, travelers and thieves
Dionysus: the god of wine, grapes and madness
Persephone: the goddess of Springtime

There are lots of Greek gods and I can't tell you all of them because it would take all my time, but the gods and goddesses above are the main ones I think.. so yeah.

Thanks for reading and you can read my other posts... BYE!

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